Archaeological Sites
Cyzicus - Erdek
Deasklaion - Banda / Eregli
Palaces - Marmara
Antandros - Edremit / AltInoluk
Antandros (Edremit-AltInoluk) Ancient City
Balikesir Ruins
at the foot of Mount Ida is a very old city. Adramytteion'un ridge
overlooking the northern edge of the sea, according to Alkaios'a a Leleg
settlements, according to Demetrios'a Skepsis'li an organization of
Cilicia, according to Herodotus, the placement of a Pelasg; Thukydides'e
an Aeolian settlement based. There are also side names such as Edonis
and Kimmeris. These names, according to Aristotle, should result from
peoples who occupied Antandros'u. According to another legend,
here is that established by Andria'lılar subsequently expelled. In
Antandros, according to the coins Asponeus'da Astria'nın east, from the
mountains of Ida, and in particular wood used in shipbuilding
(wood-timber) trade far advanced. Were seized by the Persians during the
reign of Darius. Many times during the event were taken into
Pelopponnes wars. Athenians
Tribut (tax) was forced to pay. Sicilians movement fell under the
control of the Persians again. Then by the Persians kovulmuşlardır. In
the 4th century coins minted in the second yarısınra as a free city.
Elagabal late Titus'dan 'coins minted up to. A bishop was the center of
the Christian era. H. Kiepert today's hunters near by, down to the
beach, two hundred and fifteen meters high is located on a mountain.
Published in an inscription found here.
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